Green Fields, Clean Energy: 4 Takeaways from the 1st California Germany Agrivoltaics Conference

Green Fields, Clean Energy: 4 Takeaways from the 1st California Germany Agrivoltaics Conference

Green Fields, Clean Energy: 4 Takeaways from the 1st California Germany Agrivoltaics Conference 1158 847 Sunzaun

Exploring the intersection of agriculture and renewable energy, the recent California Germany Agrivoltaics Conference at University of California, Davis, provided a platform for experts, researchers, and enthusiasts to delve into the groundbreaking fusion of solar technology and farming practices. Amidst the discussions and presentations, four standout takeaways emerged, illuminating the potential of agrivoltaics in revolutionizing our approach to land use, energy generation, and sustainable food production. Join us as we uncover the key insights gleaned from this enlightening conference and their implications for a more resilient and eco-friendly future and how California and Germany can learn from each other.

1. There Will Be 9 Billion People – The World Needs Resilient Farming

As the world population steadily grows, the impacts of climate change present a significant challenge to food production, potentially disrupting agricultural stability and raising concerns about global food security. This is also reflected in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the following of which recognize the importance of a resilient food supply:

  • Zero Hunger (The food demand will increase by 60% until 2050)
  • Clean Water and Sanitation (Worldwide a 40% higher water demand is expected)
  • Affordable and Clean Energy (The energy demand will grow by 50%)
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities (In 2050 there will be 2 Billion more urbanites)

The nexus of food, water, and energy represents the interconnected relationship between these vital resources, highlighting the dependency and impact each has on the others. Agrivoltaics emerges as a promising solution within this nexus, offering a harmonious convergence between agricultural productivity, renewable energy generation, and efficient water usage. By integrating solar panels within agricultural spaces, agrivoltaics enables the dual use of land, maximizing its utility. 

“There is a lot to learn from the European experience, we don’t need to reinvent the wheel”

Majdi Abou Najm, Associate Professor of Soil Biophysics at University of California, Davis

The shade provided by solar panels reduces water evaporation, fostering a more conducive environment for crops while concurrently generating clean energy. This approach optimizes land use, mitigates water scarcity issues, and bolsters renewable energy production, offering a sustainable pathway to address the challenges at the intersection of food, water, and energy. Through agrivoltaics, the synergy between these essential resources can be harnessed to create a more resilient and environmentally conscious system. In addition to the enormous potential, the implementation of this innovative approach also poses a number of challenges, but there is “a lot to learn from the European experience, we don’t need to reinvent the wheel” says Majdi Abou Najm, Associate Professor of Soil Biophysics at University of California, Davis.

2. Europe Is Far Ahead – The U.S. Should Catch Up Soon

European countries have been increasingly adopting this innovative approach to address land use challenges and bolster renewable energy production. Countries like Germany, France, Spain, and the Netherlands have implemented agrivoltaic systems, utilizing farmland to simultaneously generate solar energy and cultivate crops. These initiatives showcase the potential for dual land use, optimizing land productivity and contributing to the region’s renewable energy goals. As Europe continues to prioritize sustainability, agrivoltaics stands as a promising pathway towards achieving energy targets while supporting agricultural resilience in the face of changing environmental dynamics.

“We need to bring it out of the labs at the universities into the world and deploy it like a product”

Sebastian Wicklein, Director, Business Development and R&D Coordination at Fraunhofer USA Inc.

In Germany for instance, the Fraunhofer Institute’s APV-Obstbau (Orcharding) research project focuses on the development and implementation of photovoltaic systems specifically for orchards. The aim is to make optimum use of agricultural land by installing solar systems above the fruit trees. This innovative method not only enables the simultaneous production of renewable energy and the management of orchards, but also aims to protect the plants from extreme weather conditions. The project takes a holistic approach to maximize orchard yields, increase energy efficiency and promote sustainability in agriculture. The research conducted by the Fraunhofer Institute as part of the APV Fruit Growing project has the potential to transform the future of agricultural practices by combining innovative solutions to the challenges of producing food and renewable energy.

At University of California Davis, researchers have set up a test field where diverse plant species are grown under varying light conditions (read our blog article here). The field is equipped with light filters that record relevant data throughout the plant growth process. At the core of the research conducted by Prof. Majdi Abou Najm’s team is the question, how agrivoltaics can help conserve irrigation water and boost crop yield while providing renewable energy for the country.

3. Partnerships and Community Engagement are Key

Effective partnerships between researchers, solar developers, farmers, and policy makers are pivotal in driving innovation, optimizing land use, fostering sustainable practices, and shaping policies that integrate agrivoltaics seamlessly into agricultural landscapes for a greener future. It is just as important to involve local communities in the process in order to create acceptance and concepts that really work.

UC Davis agrivoltaics research project with Sunzaun installation

Community engagement for agrivoltaics involves fostering an inclusive dialogue and collaboration among local stakeholders, farmers, policymakers, and residents. It starts by educating and raising awareness within the community about the benefits and potential of agrivoltaics. Workshops, town hall meetings, and informational sessions can serve as platforms to share knowledge, address concerns, and gather feedback. Encouraging participation in the planning and implementation phases allows community members to voice their opinions, preferences, and needs, ensuring that agrivoltaic projects align with local contexts. Moreover, establishing transparent communication channels fosters trust and empowers the community to actively contribute to decision-making processes. Collaborative initiatives, such as community-owned agrivoltaic installations or profit-sharing models, can further solidify community engagement by providing direct involvement and economic benefits. Ultimately, a well-engaged community becomes an integral part of successful agrivoltaic projects, promoting sustainability, local support, and shared benefits for all involved parties.

4. We are in the Beginning of a 5th Agricultural Revolution

The history of mankind goes hand in hand with revolutionary developments in the way we do agriculture. Each agricultural revolution has brought about significant changes in farming methods, technology, and food production, shaping human societies and economies across different historical periods. Here is a short overview:

  • First Agricultural Revolution (10,000 BCE): This revolution marked the transition from hunting and gathering to settled agricultural communities.
  • Second Agricultural Revolution (17th to 19th century): The second revolution was characterized by advancements in agricultural technology and practices. Introduction of improved machinery and pesticides significantly increased agricultural productivity.
  • Green Revolution (Mid-20th Century): High-yielding varieties of crops, increased use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and improved irrigation methods were introduced. These innovations led to a dramatic increase in crop yields.
  • Precision Agriculture (Late 20th century to present): This revolution emphasizes the integration of technology and data-driven approaches into agriculture.

Agrivoltaics as a 5th revolution?

Agrivoltaics represents a potential paradigm shift in agriculture and energy production that could indeed be considered a potential fifth agricultural revolution due to its transformative impact. Creating dual use efficiency, optimizing resource utilization, enhancing sustainability and economic viability of farming mean a lot of potential transformation.

Agrivoltaics can make a significant contribution to strengthening agriculture against the challenges of the climate crisis, ensuring food security for a growing world population and at the same time supporting the ecological and social transformation through the expansion of renewable energies.